Published Jul 9, 2024
Deep dive into Antwann Hill Jr's recruitment
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Bryan Moss  •  TigerSportsReport

A couple of weeks ago Memphis picked up a commitment from 4-star quarterback Antwann Hill. He's the highest rated quarterback ever to commit to Memphis. So how did Memphis land the high powered gunslinger?

TigerSportsReport had the pleasure of chatting with Antwann Hill Jr’s representative, Bryan Miller from Peterson Sports who ran point on AJs entire recruiting process with the University of Memphis and others.

Our first question to Mr. Miller was what gave everyone the confidence in a program like Memphis opposed to other powerhouses like Florida? Here's what he had to say.

"I’d say the authenticity of everyone in the Memphis athletic department. Head Coach Ryan Silverfield and the rest of his staff did an incredible job showing that AJ was their guy from day one! The communication never deviated, every conversation was a group effort manifesting a vision of winning, accomplishing team goals, personal goals and a meticulous plan of growth on and off the field as a young man with a trajectory towards the NFL. It wasn’t surface level recruiting, it was a passionate staff fired up to get a QB of his caliber and give him a chance to come in and compete right away."

That wasn't all he had to say. Bryan Miller also said-

"Those things played a big part in this recruiting process, months of discussions, playing out different scenarios, talking to his High School Coach Jeremy Edwards and weighing out the pros and the cons daily with his supporting cast like his father Antwann Hill Sr, celebrity artist Quavo (who happens to be the owner of the 7v7 team he played for “Team Huncho as well as a mentor/family friend and my business partner Mr. James Peterson (Founder of Peterson Sports.

When you’ve got a group of people who love the kid want the best for him but have also worked within this industry for years you know what to look for and that’s what we did!"

Memphis Checked every box.

"We identified a staff who genuinely cares for AJ, people we can entrust to be there for him throughout all of the adversity that being a starting QB in division one football comes with, but most importantly all of the adversity that you may face throughout life in general.

The overall consensus is our family just got bigger, just got stronger and the people in our corner now are going to do whatever it takes to help us continue on a path of success. In addition to the hospitality and genuine relationships the entire Hill family has now built with Memphis, I’ll say this…We found a program on the rise, fresh off a 10 win season, superstar Head Coach/coordinating staff, an explosive offensive system and a likely upcoming playoff birth stemming from the new expansion rules, it’s a win-win."

What does he feel Memphis is getting in Antwann Hill?

"AJ brings excitement to the city of Memphis, everyone has embraced him and we often joke in a very serious manner about the effect he can have on the program long term. Something similar to the success Mike Vick had at Virginia Tech, taking a great program; one who may be overlooked slightly and turning them into a national championship contender.

I’ve been in the industry for a while and had the opportunity to play at a pretty high level, so I know what I’m looking at. AJ is electric, he has all of the physical intangibles that current NFL QBs have, he can make every throw, his accuracy, anticipation and football IQ are off the charts for his age. I’ve watched him extend plays and make “how did he do that” throws frequently. Obviously those type of throws and play making ability got him the stars and national recruiting attention but the consummate pro he is on and off the field I’d argue is his most favorable trait. He’s an incredible young man with a hunger to learn, get better and help his team win at all cost and that’s what the city of Memphis is getting with their new signal caller.

And to cap it all off… the confidence and belief Coach Silverfield/staff have in Antwann will only strengthen his play and that’s a recipe for success, sky's the limit Tiger nation."

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What does famed artist Quavo have to say about Hill? Quavo was asked to talk about Antwann as a player and person, and what are his expectations for him at the next level.

"Great kid, you’re getting a dawg who wants the ball in his hands during crucial moments in the game. He is as loyal as they come and he’s ready to learn, put his head down and work/take that next step in his career. That’s family right there and he’s got my support every step of the way. Sky's the limit, I’ll be there at some of those games watching his hard work pay off - Go tigers"

Antwann's dad was a huge fan of how Memphis handled his son's recruitment too.

"The thing that gave me confidence was the way they recruited AJ in this process. Memphis did a hell of a job putting together a plan for AJ to come in and succeed! They had a plan for him to succeed on the field and academically and even life after football! That's the main objection is life after football because it's a lot of people that go to school that don't even make it to the next level and you gotta have the education and degree to fall back on so we felt like this was AJ. Best choice and best opportunity to get that here!"

Hill Sr didn't stop there, he added- "Everyone in the Memphis program and community has heart, and that's what gives them the confidence over a powerhouse like Florida. They have a strong culture and community that supports them, and that has a great impact."


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